Events and Activities

The Most Powerful!

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"Repetitio est mater studiorum."
Since we are living in times of transformation, and since it is already happening and accelerating all around us, we feel this kind of message needs to be refreshed and repeated.

There is a wise old saying: "The mind is a wonderful servant but terrible master."

But they've taught us that we should “listen” only to our mind/brain - apparently the most powerful organ in our body. 
No wonder brain is so glorified!

We now know that 99% of our internal dialogue (the constant chatter of the mind) is the voice of the EGO.
Those inner talks are nothing else than programs in the mind that can easily make us believe in just about anything received from an external authority structure: politics, media, entertainment industry, social networks, PR agencies, etc. It is pretty clear why we are thought to “listen” only to our brain/ego instead of listening to our real, true mind.
The one is quite easy to manipulate, while the other - not nearly so easily!

The modern studies of neurocardiology have proven that our true mind is an astonishing sensory organ with intelligence that is more powerful than our head or gut. Organ that is 100x more powerful electrically, and up to 5,000x more powerful magnetically than the brain. A magnificent organ that generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body detectable up to 8 feet from a person - that's our HEART that sends far more signals to the brain, then our brain to the heart!!

Our heart does not communicate in the native language, but always through abstraction, and it's pretty amazing. Human heart muscle is strong enough to lift 3,000 pounds, project blood over 30 feet, beat - on average - 100,000 times a day, and send out a powerful emotion and the strongest energy in the universe - LOVE that encompasses all: joy, gratitude, serenity, empathy, interest, hope, ...

Sadly, many choose to „listen“ to their ego mind - the perfect target for outside manipulation and programming.
And as a result of the ego mind-dominated societies, we have vast ecosystem destruction which threatens survival of human societies, perpetual bloody wars, growing poverty, social inequality and injustice.
At the same time, the most powerful intelligence & energy that ever existed has been deliberately banalized and degraded.

In any case, communities that decide to give advantage to the most powerful intelligence that stands ready for us at any moment, and place the ego mind in the position of a good servant, will have a far better chance of navigating through turbulent times ahead.

So we propose a few great activities from our collection for quieting the mind: wildlife watching, bee sound therapy, responsible photo safari, hiking up Gola Pljesivica peak outside the peak season, sauna bathing, calm waters rowing, and many more.

Your quiet heart doesn’t lie - pay attention! Now more than ever, our choices matter!

More info: HeartMath

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